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Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 10/04/20

Written by on April 10, 2020

This week, we collected the most important news for small business owners and freelancers. Check them out and stay up to date!

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Small Business

1. The coronavirus pandemic forces us to stay home and work remotely. Here are a few hacks to stay focused and productive while working from home.

2. The Federal Reserve offers more than $2 trillion for small businesses and local governments. You can find more details here.

3. Many businesses are suffering right now due to the crisis. Check here what actions you can take as a small biz owner to minimize your struggle.

4. If you’re seeking a balance between your life and running your business you should check these 4 lessons that can help you find the right balance.

5. Many small businesses are closing up and firing their employees. Here’s a list of resources that may help and benefit your business.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. While almost the whole world is in quarantine, it’s a perfect time to check these 8 excellent podcasts to get inspired and stay busy during the isolation.

2. Working from home might be a new thing for many of us. Here’s how to make sure you protect your data and avoid cyberattacks.

3. Running a freelance business can consume a lot of your time and energy. Here’s how you can cut down your working hours without ruining your revenue.

4. A lot of freelancers struggle to find ways to get through these difficult times. Check here what freelance platforms do to help self-employed during the pandemic.

5. While almost the whole world is under lockdown, freelancers wonder what will change for them when this is all over. Check here what freelancers should do differently when everything gets back to normal.

That’s it for this week! Tune in next Friday for more!

Topics: Roundups

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