InvoiceBerry Blog

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Updated How to Videos for All Your Questions

Written by on September 29, 2016

InvoiceBerry is proud to present to you our new, updated how to videos for all your InvoiceBerry questions!

These updated how to videos were created to help you navigate our all-new updated service. They span the entire area of the software, helping answer your questions as soon as you have them.

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Our updated how to videos cover the basics

We begin at the very beginning, creating updated how to videos on how to set up your account, create your first invoice, and send it by email.

You can learn how to set up your new account at InvoiceBerry. These easy-to follow steps make it clear how to do everything in a slow, careful, and efficient manner.

Then quickly learn how to create your very first invoice with InvoiceBerry. In this video, we’ll show you how to enter your new client information, your new items, and any taxes that you would like to add. We also show you how to easily send or print your invoice so that your client gets it more quickly—and pays you much faster.

They cover important areas

These updated how to videos also cover other frequently asked questions. This includes:

  • how to upload your company logo to your new invoices so you can look more professional:

  • how to print an invoice if you’d like to keep a physical copy for yourself or send one to your client:

  • how to upgrade your InvoiceBerry account so you can send invoices to more clients and access even more great templates:

and many, many more helpful videos.

Updated how to videos for specific questions

Besides the basic or important questions that users may ask while using our online invoicing software, there are also other great tutorials. Sometimes users run into problems that are more specific in nature. When these questions arise, you can easily find an in-depth tutorial on how to solve them.

Our more specific updated how to videos include topics such as:

  • how to add taxes, VAT, or GST to  your account, so that you can accurately bill your clients:

  • how to delete a payment from an invoice, in the case that there’s been a change in a customer’s payment status:

  • how to mark an invoice as ‘Sent’ without actually having sent it:

and many others.

You can watch all our updated how to videos by checking out our Help Center Video Tutorials page. You can also visit our Youtube channel and subscribe to catch all the newest video tutorials.

We’re sure you’ll find these video tutorials great for answering all your InvoiceBerry questions. If you have any further questions, or an idea for more updated how to videos, leave us a comment or suggestion.

Topics: InvoiceBerry

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