How to write an estimate for a cleaning job
Written by Uwe on October 03, 2014
Before you get your first client you should have a strategy on how to create an estimate for your cleaning service. Here is a step by step guide on how to write an accurate cleaning estimate:
1. Hourly rate or fixed rate for the job estimate?
Firstly, you need to decide whether you want to charge your clients hourly or by the job. It’s totally up to you what you choose but each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.
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An hourly rate provides lots of flexibility for the customer but it generates no regular income for you. Charging by the job gives you an approximate monthly income and stability, however, sometimes cleaning can take longer or even shorter and that might leave your client unhappy because s/he thinks that you didn’t do your job properly or overcharged him/her.
Even if you decide to choose charging clients by the job you should determine your hourly rate.
Your hourly rate should be based on your competition, the area you do the cleaning (higher median income = higher cleaning rate) and the quality of your service (e.g. cleaning products – if you use your own cleaning products, charge more).
2. Review the cleaning job
Before you send a quote to the customer, assess the job carefully. Consider what services you’ll deliver i.e. mopping, sweeping, dusting, organizing, cleaning windows and so on. You should include these jobs on the quote and charge for them.
Don’t forget to approx. measure the room, house or building that you are going to clean. Before submitting a quote take into account what type of floors or furniture your client has, the difficulty of the cleaning, special duties etc.
Calculate how long each task takes and add it on the quote.
The quote can be written with an online invoicing software such as InvoiceBerry. Once you write the quote, it can be changed into an invoice with just one click.
3. Send or present a quote to your customer
The last step is easy. Just don’t forget to put a thank you note on the quote. Once the quote is created you can send it by email, by post or print it and present it directly to your customer.