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Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 01/09/17

Written by on September 01, 2017

We’d better get used to rains and colder days, as summer is officially over and not coming back until next year.

Let’s see what’s new in the small business and freelancing world in our first roundup of September.

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Small Business

1. Is Irexit going to help Ireland to avoid Brexit damage? See all pros and cons of that.

2. 88% of customers buy products basing on recommendations. Here’s how you can use reviews to increase your business sales.

3. Insurance is always an issue for small businesses, and it seems that self-funding is one of the best possible options to go with.

4. Starting a business, you need to set a lot of priorities, especially what to spend your money on and when. Here’s how to do everything right.

5. When hiring new people, some business owners tend to forget how their business is operating on a daily basis. Here are some valuable lessons and tips that can be learned.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. Video formats are wining content battles these days. And according to Neil Patel, you can increase your sales almost 50% faster when using YouTube.

2. Ideas are great, but their implementation is what makes you a great entrepreneur. Read these 6 best tips on how to get from an idea to operational business.

3. Facebook is not the most convenient platform when it comes to statistics and measuring your performance. Find out how to master this social network’s analytics here.

4. Starting a new business is the hardest, but even to get there, you need to learn how to pitch your ideas to the investors. Here’s how to do that.

5. Warren Buffet is 87 this week, and he gives the best investment advice for businesses and entrepreneurs. Check it out in this article.

That’s about it for today. Feel free to drop us a line if your have comments or questions.

Topics: Roundups

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