Square Payment Integration on InvoiceBerry
Written by Mindaugas on February 28, 2018
Square payment method has hit North America (US and Canada) and Great Britain by storm. Small businesses have incorporated Square to process payments and haven’t looked back since.
InvoiceBerry users are now able to fully utilize Square payment function. The integration setup is simple and will take mere minutes to get through.
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Invoices created with InvoiceBerry can now conveniently be processed with Square. Another simple and secure payment method for your customers to utilize. This makes InvoiceBerry a more formidable invoicing solution your business can depend on.
Let’s Get Started
When you log into your InvoiceBerry account, go to Settings page to access your Integrations.
Once you have clicked on Integrations, you will notice all possible integrated tools available to you. Among available tools, you will see Square.
On the right, you will notice a green Connect button. Click on that to start the simple setup process.
A login screen will appear. Simply enter your Square account information if you have an existing account. If you are a new user, go ahead and create your Square account now.
Once you have signed in, you will be confronted with the Permissions screen.
If you agree with the conditions and wish to continue the process, press the highlighted Allow button on the bottom right.
Account Is Linked
Once you have pressed the Allow button, you have finished linking Square to your InvoiceBerry account.
A confirmation message will be presented to you as shown in the picture above. You also have the option to Unlink your Square account from InvoiceBerry at anytime.
Paying With Square
Since you have finished Square integration process, your customers can now pay invoices with credit and debit cards. Here’s how the process works.
Go to your Invoices on the menu bar.
Select any of the outstanding invoices you wish to get paid for or create a new invoice. For my example, I have selected an already existing invoice that I want to get paid for by usingĀ Square.
As you can see in the image above, payment options now also includes Square. Check the box for the preferred payment method.
Save your invoice like you would normally do.
Press on the Eye icon on the far right to view your saved invoice. This is what your customer will receive.
On the bottom of the invoice there will be a website link. This link will give your customer access to the chosen online payment method – in this case it’s Square.
Each link is unique to the specific invoice.
By pressing on the green button on the bottom left of the screen, your customer will be able to finalize the invoice payment.
Once the right information is entered into the space provided, the payment can be processed.
All Done
You have successfully integrated Square payment with your InvoiceBerry account and have learned how the payment process works.