Write A Business Plan: Top Resources, Quick List [UPDATED]
Written by Uwe on January 07, 2012

[stextbox id=”info”]UPDATE: Invoiceberry offers free business plan templates and business presentation templates. Find them on our new dedicated business template page![/stextbox]
Writing a business plan is a key step when starting a new business venture and therefore entrepreneurs and small business owners should take a closer look at advice, business plan templates and writing guides which can often be found for free online.
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Nevertheless, also existing businesses should frequently re-write and adjust their business plans according to the current economic climate, changes in strategies and after periods of growth.
The following list is only a small selection of a massive list of guides and websites helping businesses to write and improve their business plans.
A practical guide for business plans by the New York Small Business Development Center:
Website with free and paid business plan templates:
Free business plan templates by SCORE:
The U.S. Small Business Administration website’s section for writing a business plan:
The U.K. Business Link website for writing a business plan:
Free business plan templates for Microsoft Word:
Free business plan template for Open Office: