InvoiceBerry Blog

Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 30/06/17

Check out small business and freelancing news in our weekly roundup now!

Time flies by way too fast, and the first month of summer is now almost over.

Let’s check the latest news in our weekly roundup for small businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

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Small Business

1. In Australia, small businesses are excited about the upcoming tax cuts. Here’s more info and thoughts on that.

2. Google will have to pay a $2.7 billion fine due to the breach of antitrust rules and abusing its power in Europe. What are the consequences of that for businesses?

3. Pinterest is a great way to attract traffic and acquire new customers. Read about 12 ways of how it helps here.

4. Starting a new business, you want to do all it takes to make it successful. Read these 5 tips that will help you out.

5. 77% of customers are more likely to buy something new if they learned about it from someone they know. Check these 5 tips on getting that word-of-mouth working for your small business.

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Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. If you’re a freelancer, you’ll definitely need to create an invoice for sponsored posts. Click here to download one.

2. Entrepreneurs have to be great leaders as well. Here are 9 habits that you might want to adopt for that.

3. Influencer marketing is on the rise, and a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs want to fill out that niche. Read these 5 steps you need to take to make that happen.

4. 98% of all the investment flows go to the men-funded startups, which cause another round of the gender balance debates. Read more thoughts here.

5. What is a 20/20/20 rule and how can you use it to forecast your startup’s demand? Take a look at this post to find out more.

That’s it for this Friday! Feel free to drop us a line if you have any other exciting news to share.

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